Proactive Strategies for Software Engineers

Micromanagement can be particularly stifling for software engineers. In a field where autonomy, creativity, and problem-solving are essential, constant oversight can hinder productivity and morale. Fortunately, there are strategies that engineers can use to build trust, improve communication, and minimise micromanagement.


Jake Helme, People and Culture Manager at Entelect, has been with Entelect since he was a graduate and explains:

“Micromanaging takes away people’s opportunities for growth and reflection. It disempowers employees and can create a vicious cycle where more micromanagement becomes necessary.”

This article outlines proactive strategies engineers can use to reduce micromanagement and foster healthier working relationships.

There are typically two reasons why managers micromanage:

Lack of Trust: Some managers worry that things will go wrong without their constant involvement.

Control-Oriented Management Style: Others micromanage by nature.

As Helme notes: “Some managers are wired this way—it’s how they get things done. But it’s not effective leadership in the long term, for multiple reasons, including the burnout of the manager themselves.”

By identifying which type of micromanagement you’re dealing with, you can adapt your approach accordingly.

Keep Your Manager in the Loop with Proactive Communication

Frequent updates reduce the need for micromanagement by showing progress. Software engineers use sprint boards, task trackers (like Jira or Trello), and status emails to provide regular visibility. But make sure that your manager knows when you make updates to boards with the communication channel you’ve agreed on as a team.

“Managers often micromanage when they don’t know what’s happening,” says Helme. “Providing visibility upfront can prevent that.” 

Clarify Objectives and Deliverables at the Start

At the beginning of a sprint or project, align with your manager on expectations. Define deliverables, deadlines, and success criteria to prevent misunderstandings. With clear objectives, there is less room for second-guessing.

Ask for Feedback at Key Milestones

Rather than waiting for your manager to step in with corrections, ask for feedback at key points in the project. This proactive approach satisfies their need for involvement while maintaining your autonomy.

Demonstrate Ownership and Reliability

Managers are more likely to back off if they trust that you will deliver quality work independently. Ensure your tasks are completed on time and to a high standard to build that trust.

Raise Issues and Concerns As Early As Possible

While it’s never enjoyable to admit to delays or potentially missed deadlines, it’s far worse to lead your manager or team to believe that you’re on track to deliver when you know you may miss an agreed deadline. Manage expectations early on and communicate a potential delay before it happens.

“Managers have managers and also need to manage client expectations around deliverables in a consulting environment,” adds Helme. “Rather under promise and over-deliver than the other way round, and raise issues and concerns as early as possible if you suspect you won’t make an agreed deadline.”

Have Open Conversations About Working Styles

If micromanagement persists, it may be helpful to address it directly but tactfully. You could say:

“I want to make sure I’m supporting you effectively—how can I provide the information you need to give me more autonomy and free up more of your time?”

“No one wants to be called a micromanager. So phrase your ask in a way that’s empowering and concerned rather than accusatory,” adds Helme.

 Build Long-Term Trust Through Collaboration

Good engineering managers empower their teams, fostering a culture of trust and accountability.

Helme explains: “Good leaders build strong relationships with their engineers. They empower them to make decisions, which fosters growth and engagement.”
Micromanaging managers, however, often struggle to sustain their roles.

“Managers who micromanage tend to isolate themselves because they don’t trust anyone else. That’s not sustainable long-term,” Helme adds.

Doing what you can to calm the worries of an anxious manager relieves them and empowers you as the employee to deliver less interrupted, quality work.

How do we manage our people at Entelect?

At Entelect we conduct bi-annual, 360 reviews where managers and employees in a team review one another. Each manager also has one-on-one meetings with their team members outside of the agreed on check-ins. We believe that relationships set us apart and strive to create a work environment that fosters relationship building just as much as getting things done.



Avoiding micromanagement requires employees to be proactive, reliable, and communicative. By understanding the root causes of micromanagement and using strategies like clarifying expectations, seeking feedback, and building trust, employees can foster healthier working relationships and create opportunities for growth.

Implementing these strategies is not just about avoiding oversight; it’s about building a foundation of mutual respect and autonomy.

As Helme says: “Micromanaging isn’t a leadership strategy—it’s a barrier to it.”